Scuba Diving Equipment 水肺裝備
空氣氣瓶 Tank : Air | $500 |
高氧氣瓶 Tank : Nitrox(使用高氧者須出示高氧執照) | $500 |
其他濃度氣瓶 | 請電洽 |
調節器 Regulator | $450 / 1 Day |
浮力控制裝置 BCD | $450 / 1 Day |
電腦錶 Dive Computer | $300 / 1 Day |
面鏡 Mask | $100 / 1 Day |
蛙鞋 Fins | $200 / 1 Day |
套鞋 Boots | $50 / 1 Day |
防寒衣 Wetsuit | $100 / 1 Day |
手電筒 Flashlight | $300 / 1 Day |
重裝組 ( Regulator + BCD) Scuba Equipment | $800 / 1 Day |
輕裝組 ( Mask + Fins + Boots + Wetsuit ) Snorkeling Equipment | $350 / 1 Day |
整套輕重裝組 All Set for Scuba Equipment | $1000 / 1 Day |
整套輕重裝組 + 電腦錶 All Set + Dive Computer | $1200 / 1 Day |
配重 Weight (只要出潛導基本上不收費,但若遺失,每公斤300元) | 每公斤 $20 / 1 Day |
Cash or on-site transfer can be used, and a 3.5% handling fee will be charged for the credit card. (Foreign card can only be paid by Paypal, and an additional 8% is required), it is recommended to use cash.